July 28, 2013
Recently, we came across this wonderful YouTube video of a family’s visit to Beaufort in 1961. It’s a great trip into the past and particularly interesting to see several boys hanging around the sign for an earlier incarnation of the Inlet Inn.
Unfortunately, we could not determine the exact identity of the video poster, though the person does seem to be a professor at UNC Asheville.
A big thank you to the professor!
Wonderful view of the past! I was 7 then & didn’t live in Beaufort – grew up in Ayden-but visited when we came to Atlantic Beach. I probably did all the things those children did! Very interesting to see the price of gas- 30 cents! I do remember that. And the priest smoking- almost everyone smoked back then. So the increase of gas prices- bad- & the decrease in smoking- good! Beaufort is still as wonderful now as it was then- just different, but we are too.